If you are a contractor looking to become Signatory with IBEW 317, please email office@ibew317.com with the following information and we will reply with the Letter of Assent:
Which Contract you would like to be signitory to (Inside/Outside)
• Name of Firm –
• Street Address/P.O. Box Number-
• Federal Employer Identification No.-
• Signed for the Employer by-
• Title of the person signing-
Some helpful information:
Our fund administrators (American Benefits) can be reached at 304-525-0331 should you need them.
Outside Contractors - You should get in contact with American Line Builders for EPR (Employee Payroll Reporting) system for reporting benefits if you haven’t got a login for that just yet. Their information is below;
American Line Builders, NECA
8044 Montgomery Rd., Ste 522
Cincinnati, OH. 45236
(513) 891-6322